Calling All SOMA Residents: Feedback Needed for Research Survey

Dear South Orange and Maplewood Residents,

We are excited to invite you to participate in a research study conducted by Seton Hall University students, focused on the performing arts. Your insights and experiences can contribute significantly to our research.

To participate, you must meet the following qualifications:

  1. Residence: You must reside in South Orange or Maplewood.

  2. Age: You should be under the age of 55 years old.

  3. Attendance: You must have attended at least 2 live performances in the last year.

The research study will involve a 15-minute phone call interview, during which we will ask you about your experiences with the performing arts. To show our appreciation for your time and valuable input, every participant who completes the interview will receive a $10 gift card.

If you meet these qualifications and are interested in participating, please send the following information to Tobias Warnock at

  • Your Full Name

  • Your Phone Number

  • Your Available Times 9/27-10/5 for the phone interview


Your participation will not only contribute to the advancement of our research but will also help us gain a better understanding of the role of the performing arts centers in our community.

We sincerely thank you for considering this invitation and for your potential participation in our study. Your support is invaluable, and we look forward to hearing from you.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to Tobias Warnock at the provided email address. Thank you for your time and support.


Warm regards,
Tobias Warnock
Marketing, Seton Hall University